How to submit your photos for the PTRAA website
We all know that in the tow industry a photo really does speak a 1000 words. we hope that you are documenting your tows as needed. We like to change up things often, do you have a great picture for us? Did you work a difficult yet successful tow? Did your company get a new rig? The following rules apply;
- No pictures that involved a fatality or serious physical injury.
- No pictures that maybe or has been involved in any litigation.
- No pictures that show faces of customers or their vehicle license plates (editing out those items are permitted)
- You must be an active member or associate member.
- You are the owner of the photo. Example; Picture of your truck and logo is good. Picture of another companies truck and logo is bad.
- That by submitting the photo you save, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the PTRAA from and against any and all claims, expenses, costs including but not limited to attorney fees, liabilities and damages.
- You understand that any photo may be refused for any reason. That your submitted photo may be cropped or edited in such a way that it will function better on the website (reduces image size).
- Send photos in JPEG format.
Click here to send us your JPEG photos
limit 3 photos
Include your name and company information in the email for proper credit.
limit 3 photos
Include your name and company information in the email for proper credit.